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Step 1. Information 

Once you have reached out to us and provided information about your project, including the street address, city, and state, we will then conduct a preliminary investigation to determine what permits may be required for your project.

Step 2. Client Meeting 

We will schedule a meeting, either on-site or at our office, to discuss these findings and obtain a more detailed design brief from you about your project. This initial meeting is a free, no-obligation consultation and typically lasts about an hour. If the meeting location is more than 25km away, a fee may be applied to cover travel time. We will inform you of this prior to attending the meeting and also explain what other services we can provide to meet your project needs.


Step 3. Fee Schedule

After we have assessed your project requirements and conducted a site inspection, we will prepare a fee proposal that reflects the scope of work and deliverables. Once you have reviewed and accepted the proposal, we will proceed to schedule the commencement of your project and provide an estimated timeline for completing the required documentation.

To initiate the project, we will require a project commencement payment as a deposit, which will be itemized in the fee schedule. This payment is necessary to ensure that we can dedicate the necessary resources to your project and begin the work in a timely manner.


Step 4. Site Evaluation and Measure

At this stage, we'll arrange a site inspection to better understand the existing conditions and assess the site for any potential design constraints or opportunities that can improve your project outcomes. We will then conduct a site measurement and evaluate the site thoroughly to ensure that we have a clear understanding of the space and its possibilities.



Step 5. Concept Design 

Our first step is to create a detailed drawing of the existing conditions and develop a concept layout of the proposed works to align with your project expectations. To ensure compliance with planning guidelines, we may need to communicate with the local certifying authorities, especially if your project requires planning or development approval. This stage is crucial in establishing a clear direction and approach towards achieving your project goals.

Step 6. Preliminary Drawings

After the concept design phase, we refine and prepare the design for your feedback and confirmation that the proposed design meets your expectations. We will request formal sign-off from you at this stage to ensure that we are documenting your expectations and ensuring the timely completion of the working drawings. We will also engage specialist consultants to assist with your project and provide feedback on the design. Our fee proposal will indicate the types of consultants that may be utilized for your project.


Step 7. Construction Drawings

This is the final stage of the documentation process, which includes all architectural drawings and consultant documentation, ready for issuance of a building permit. Detailed drawings will also be provided for the builder and trades to use on-site, ensuring the successful outcome of your building project.

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